Our MD/CEO Chim Okwu-wolu was honoured with the prestigious International Construction award by The Global Trade Leaders’ Club based in Madrid, Spain. The award was in recognition of the various construction milestones achieved by Ltye Concepts Ltd. in Nigeria. The award was presented in Madrid on the 22nd of May 2017.
The Global Trade Leaders´ Club is an association of leading businesses, which gathers more than 7500 members from 95 different countries, all working in the sectors of production and services.
The main aim of this association is to promote trade exchanges and human relationships amongst businessmen from all over the world, focusing specifically on SMEs (Small & Medium-sized Businesses) and without discarding international companies.
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Duis et eros sed justo viverra semper vitae at massa. Morbi sit amet pharetra arcu, a tempus sapien. Donec blandit pretium nunc, eget convallis neque aliquam sit amet.